Charles E. (Chuck) Trangsrud, 1960, Businessman, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity
In his nomination of Brother Trangsrud for the ND Beta Hall of Fame, his colleague and fellow SAE, Charles Witzleben wrote: “Initiated into the Fraternity in the year of SAE’s 100th Anniversary, Charles “Chuck” Trangsrud has been an exemplary brother of Minerva serving both his Chapter and National Fraternity with meritorious distinction.” ND Beta is honored by having one its own who has served the National Fraternity in many capacities over a span of 50 years. Charles was born in 1935 to Henry and Eva Trangsrud of Kindred, ND. He graduated from Kindred High School in 1955, enrolled at NDSU, and was initiated a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon April 8, 1956.
In recognition of his emerging leadership potential, the chapter sent him to the SAE National Leadership School in the summer of 1956. Little did Chuck know that his trip to Evanston to attend his first Leadership School was but the beginning of a long association with the Na-
tional Fraternity. While an undergraduate member, Chuck was elected Eminent Recorder and served two terms as Eminent Archon. He was also elected to the NDSU Blue Key Honorary Chapter. He graduated from NDSU with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics in 1960. Chuck’s involvement with the National Fraternity did not end upon becoming a member of the chapter alumnus. From 1961 to 1971 he served on the SAE Leadership School faculty; between 1961 and 1969 he attended six SAE National Conventions; and from 1962 to 1964 he served as SAE National Chapter Supervisor (E&L Consultant) for 36 western chapters. In 1965 he was elected SAE National Treasurer and Treasurer of the Levere Memorial Foundation, a post he held until 1971. During his tenure as treasurer, he directed the automation of national membership records.
Chuck received his MBA from Northwestern University in 1972. He then left the national fraternity and took a position with Steward-Warner Corporation as International controller. No longer being an employee of the fraternity, however, he still remained active through 2007 by serving as a member, and later chairperson, of the SAE Levere Memorial Temple Building Committee. In addition, in 2005 he was the founder member of the SAE Phoenix Society. Chuck’s dedication to the national fraternity has not gone unrecognized, however, because in 1993 hewas the recipient of the SAE Merit Key Award at the 137th National Convention. The Merit Key Award is the second highest award an individual alumnus can receive; it recognizes an alumnus who has demonstrated significant service and loyalty to the Fraternity on combined levels for an extended period of time. From 1988 through 2000, Chuck was a partner in a Biomat, a startup company. In 2000, Chuck retired but remained active in a variety of community organizations such as his church, Winnetaka Congregational Church, where he has served as treasurer and chair of the Budget and Annual Giving Committees, Chair of Outreach Activities, and Youth Advisor. For all of his contributions to his church, Chuck was awarded its annual Outstanding Service Award. Prior to retirement, Chuck was involved with the Chicago Westside Habitat for Humanity as board member and treasurer.
Chuck is married to Miriam “Mimi” Welty Trangsrud. He hails from an SAE family as his brothers Hank and Jim are also SAEs. Chuck enjoys traveling, reading, skiing and biking. Chuck’s nominator wrote the following about him: “His numerous offices, achievements and contributions provide a chronicle of impactful service to his beloved Fraternity. Behind these achievements is a man of unbridled zeal, character and friendship. Chuck epitomizes the True Gentleman in the truest sense. His humility, kindness, thoughtfulness, intelligence, common sense and authenticity bespeak his North Dakota heritage. His unblemished personal and professional character has guided his contributions to SAE, his profession and other organizations who have been fortunate to benefit by his wise and thoughtful leadership. In every organization there are leaders who work quietly behind the scenes, encouraging collaborative wisdom and action that create impressive results. Chuck is such a leader. Chuck’s extraordinary capacity for genuine and lasting friendship is among his most notable attributes. Those who know and count Chuck as a friend are blessed with a true friend for life. Chuck's contributions and impact on SAE span over 50 years. No other alumnus of North Dakota Beta shares this same legacy. It is fitting that his chapter honor Chuck with recognition in its Hall of Fame.” ND Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is honored that one of its own members has gone on to such distinguished service with the National Fraternity.