Contact the Recruitment Chairman for more information:
Sean Scullin
(612) 417-0300
Please reach out to the Recruitment Chairman for information on our continual, informal recruitment. The next formal recruitment period is in the fall of 2024. Events will be posted on our Instagram.
The Recruitment Process
Formal recruitment includes meeting the members during the Fall or Spring and getting to know them. During the beginning of Fall and Spring semester, the Interfraternity Council (official NDSU governing body of Fraternities, also known as "IFC") hosts Recruitment Week, where men interested in recruitment can visit with different fraternities. Here, they will have the opportunity to meet the members and participate in recruitment events such as Skyzone, bowling, steaks and cigars and more. At the end of the week, if a house has 'bid' the potential new member, or extended an invitation to join the house, they may select that house if they feel it is the right fit for them.
Parent/Student Questions
Q: What are general benefits of membership offered by Sigma Alpha Epsilon?
A: Benefits of membership include an environment for the creation of life-long friendships and academic success, a network of more than 190,000 living alumni, numerous leadership and educational programs that complement the goals and objectives of the host institution, a scholarship and loan program offered by the ΣAE Foundation and a lifetime subscription to the award-winning The Record magazine.
Q: How does ΣAE educate its members on alcohol, hazing, and risk management?
A: ΣAE uses a risk management guide entitled Minerva’s Shield that covers risk management policies. We also provide education at our Leadership Schools, both regional and national. ΣAE has a hazing hotline in place for individuals to reports any hazing concerns anonymously [(800) 233-1856, ext. 399]. ΣAE also addresses these issues regularly in publications such as The Record and The e-Recorder. Any questions about alcohol, hazing or risk management can be directed to the Director of Risk Management Steadman Boston at (847) 302-9181, or at
Q: What is the support network provided to members and chapters?
A: The support network consists of a university adviser, chapter adviser, house corporation member, a regional volunteer president (province archon), a regional director and the Fraternity Service Center staff based in Evanston, Illinois. These stakeholders understand the mission and goals of the organization and can assist the member or local chapter with any programs or challenges. The True Gentleman Initiative Program also offers a framework to develop the chapter or individual’s goals. Visit for more information.
Q: What volunteer opportunities exist for parents?
A: Many of the strongest chapters have strong participation by mothers and fathers. This can include an active parents or Minerva Club or being a member of the house corporation or advisory board. Parents can also assist in the organization of Parents’ Day, homecoming, etiquette dinners or golf outings. Experienced adults can always improve any undergraduate event.
Q: Why should my son join ΣAE? What are the benefits of fraternity life?
A:The benefits of being Greek are numerous. Fraternity life provides numerous occasions to work as a team towards common goals. It is from these group settings that valuable life skills are attained that allow chapter members to attain the skills needed to lead others in various endeavors. It is well known that Greeks tend to be more involved in campus, both socially and academically. We at ΣAE encourage campus involvement in Government of Student Body, any clubs and organizations. There are opportunities to help with Dance Marathon and other philanthropic events as well. We also are very active with major campus-wide events such as Homecoming. Plus, the connections you will make with your brothers as well as our strong band of alumni will prove to be invaluable throughout your lifetime.
Hazing Policies
Hazing in any form is strictly prohibited. Hazing is a broad term that encompasses a multitude of actions or activities. The term hazing refers to any actions or activities that may negatively affect the development of a person or an organization; which causes mentor or physical harm; or which subject individuals to harassment, embarrassment, ridicule, or distress. Sigma Alpha Epsilon takes a strong stance against hazing. Failure to comply will result in loss of membership.